Friday, July 30, 2010

Dream or Obsession??....

Have you ever wanted something so bad, that it hurts?? A burning desire to get hold of some thing, the mere thought of which makes your heart beat faster, your soul crave and that consumes you every waking moment of the day...a desire, a longing SO intense, that you wish to God that it to be fulfilled; for living without the source of your desire seems like an impossible task....Whether the thing is good for you or not, is irrelevant, for your desire supersedes everything else!!......

Whatever the cause of such emotion be, it is so easy to give in!! for emotions are  powerful things.....It is like temptations like these, were made to test one's self-control and the limit to which one'd go to obtain them...

Why does the heart always crave things that are not under our control?! Like all things material, the love of a certain person, glory or even acceptance by others....Is it life's way of taunting us and saying that, the things we already possess aren't good enough?!! Or is it its way of telling us, that we need to work harder and strive towards what we find better and more desirable??....

Call it desire, need, greed, dissatisfaction, temptation or an obsession, it IS a part of our lives and how we deal with it is, what is most important....And hence comes the need to be able to distinguish, and to find out, if the desire of that thing (tangible or not), is making us a better person or is it consuming us??....

Obsession in essence I have come to realize is a bad thing, for it is a strong desire for things, that'll eventually cause one to take some kind of a wrong action....An action, which in all likelihood will be repented at a later stage in life..... Such unfulfilled desires often cause discontentment, anger and frustrations and hence need to be cast away.... I know! It is not easy to get rid of them,  but they need to be done away with somehow!!....I wish I could tell how, wish to know myself how to have better control over such an emotion.....For an obsession is a state of mind, where the mind is constantly dominated by a wish, a dream....a state, where the person subjected to the obsession, surrenders control and constantly lives in its shadow and doesn't even realize, that his obsession is an illness, which is tiring him and is slowly making him wither away...

A dream on the other hand, is something positive, it inspires you, it gives you space to grow...It gives you a choice to pursue it or not....It is something that you know you might be able to attain someday, if you made all the right moves and worked hard to attain it ....It makes you a better person and it leads you on.....Those who are passionate about attaining their dreams, do everything in their power to get close to them...Their enthusiasm and positive attitude make the desire turn into a reality, for their passion feeds them and they feed on their passion...

I dream of making the impossible, possible, and I WANT to live and realize my dream in my own lifetime. And I want to keep holding onto the thought that my dreams WILL come true one day.....I desperately hope and fervently pray everyday that they come true, but in case some of them die a premature death, which I hope to God, they don't, I hope I'd be able to hold onto the thought which the Dalai Lama has aired, and which I often find myself pondering on - "not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.".....

Sunday, July 25, 2010


हम तो हम ही थे, कल  भी और आज भी,
तुम्ही ने देखने का नज़रिया बदल दिया,
चाहा तो तब भी था उतना ही,
तुम्ही ने कल ख़ुशी से कबूला और आज नाकबूल कर दिया....

प्यार आज भी है इतना, की कहो तो जान लुटा दें,
फिर सोचा, प्यार दिखलाने का मौका हम अब तुम पे छोड़ दें,
देखें तो सही,  क्या-क्या कर पाओगे तुम हमारे लिए,
हम तो जान दे सकते हैं; तुम इन होंठों को हंसी लोटा पाओं, बस उतना ही काफी है
हमारे लिए ....... 


कुछ सपनो ने उड़ कर, दिल में आशना सजा  लिया,
नन्हे  से इस दिल में, इक अपना ज़हान बसा लिया,
छोटे-बड़े ख्वाब  हर पल अब दस्तक देते हैं,
अन्दर आने को सदा बेताब रहते हैं...

इस खूबसूरत दुनिया में खो जाऊँ, अब तो यही आरज़ू है ,
हंसी के कुछ  पल लूट कर फिर से जी पाऊँ , दिल की ये जुस्तजू है.....

Friday, July 16, 2010

प्यार और इंतज़ार......

इंतज़ार ने मेरे प्यार के, मुझे दीवाना बना दिया,
इम्तिहान जिंदगी का, इक फ़साना बना दिया,
मुश्किल बड़ा था यार बिना, चंद लम्हे
भी गुजारना,
उनकी यादो के सहारे,
हमने ये भी मंजूर कर लिया,
अब तो उनकी यादें, हर दम साथ रहती हैं,
और मिलन
के चंद हसीं लम्हों को, सदियों सा बना देती हैं......


उनके प्यार का इज़हार सुन,
ऐतबार करने को जी मचलता है.
धड़कने तो बेताब है मानने को,
दिमाग मगर
कुछ काशमकश में रहता है..
अब तो दिलोदिमाग की यह जंग ख़तम हो जल्द से,
या तो मिले प्यार और वफा उनकी, या यह ज़िन्दगी फना हो जाये उनपे......

Sunday, July 11, 2010

ये कैसा रिश्ता....

कभी उनके इकरार ने, तो कभी उनके इनकार ने रुलाया,
रिश्ता यूँ तो कोई न था, फिर क्यों उनकी हर बात ने हमे सताया ?
समझते थे जिसे हम न कोई अपना,
पहले उनकी बेरुखी ने
फिर उनकी यादों ने हमे दिन-रात तडपाया .....


ख्याल उनके, मेरी दिन-रातों को महकाते हैं,
सोच के उनकी कही बातें, हम मन ही मन मुस्काते हैं
किस्सा यह चाहत का अजीब सा है
मिलन यह जिस्मों का नहीं, दिलों के नसीब का है,
अब हम उनके ख्यालों में हर दम,
और वो हमारे ख्यालों में आते हैं 
सपनो की दुनिया में ही सही, मिल तो पाते हैं .....