Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flowers :)...

I feel flowers are the most beautiful creation of nature..Something draws us to them. For some the draw is their simple beauty, for others it is the mild and sometime exotic fragrance, for still others it is the vibrant colours and beautiful patterns.....Personally, I love EVERYTHING about them, for they somehow make me smile :)....The very thought of holding them in my hands gives me pleasure, but then I guess everyone feels the same way about them :)...

What I do not get is, why do they have to be plucked, when they are spreading so much joy by being just where they are meant to be??....You might say, it's done, so that others, who are not as fortunate to live near nature might be able to enjoy their beauty...But have you ever thought, that what might bring a few moments of pleasure, might also bring some amount of sadness with them!....The mere thought, that a thing of so much beauty will die so soon, makes me sad(sigh)...I love them, so I want them to last forever. A childish thought, you'll say!!!...'Nothing lasts forever', you might say, and I know that too, but... I still want, what I want!!... But I guess, that is me in my small world of fantasies . And if it were left upto me, I would make them last for an eternity. Am I being childish again? I don't think so, for isn't that the way how we all want things to be!!... Wishing things that cause us happiness and joy, to last FOREVER!!....I want to hold onto all the love which people give me, I want my good memories to last, I want to have a momento to hold onto forever. Why would I ever want a token of love &
affection that brings a moments pleasure but sadness thereafter, that lives a short life, withers away and dies?!!.....Childish again, or is it really?....Fake flowers don't bring me as much pleasure....They no doubt are beautiful, but there is nothing natural about them. What I want is the real deal, the kind that lasts...

I have often wondered, why people like to give flowers to their loved ones...All I could think of is that where words fail, flowers take over...They do the talking, and they do that so eloquently too!!....They are simple, yet talk the delicate and intricate language of love...They are so delicate, yet so powerful...So common, yet have the power to surprise just about anyone...So fragrant that they fill the lives of everyone with love......So rich with beauty, yet so humble....I guess, they are God's perfect gift to us - to admire, to contemplate....Simple, fragrant, beautiful, giving yet so humble and full of love..... I wish I was a flower!!

1 comment:

  1. Well ...its just point of view that matters.. Flowers r beautiful for those who just pass buy... some find it worth selling ...some find worth buying...some worth gifting....i find it worth watching the beauty of it standing there...and just the happiness it gives me in heart all that matter....mind it flower is purely a literal word
