Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trust, I shall...

Trusting people comes so naturally to some.....It is so inherent, that we don't even think twice before making the leap of faith, esp. when it comes to trusting total strangers...We so willing put our faith in such people, only to be left hurt and heart broken many a times...Is that then supposed to be a learning experience for us, a warning that there lurks a predator in every dark alley of life, a warning to stay alert always? or is it just a sign of our loneliness, our need to connect and to keep trying till we find the right kind of people?....

A kind face, kind eyes and a sympathetic voice, that says all the right words, at the right time is the beginning of this journey.....A journey that involves sharing, comforting, laughing and crying with each other...If a human brain can so easily decipher these good vibes from a person, then why can't it as easily pick on the bad vibes coming from the same?.....I guess, the head ALWAYS knows, what the heart refuses to believe...Is thinking with the heart, then the reason for all our troubles??.....I guess, God created the heart for a very specific purpose - to love, feel and enjoy all varied experiences in life, but why couldn't the same Creator leave the command center in full control of decision making...If the head can sense danger, then why does the heart have to be so stubborn and not listen to the signs. Why does the heart have to be so naive!!....Life, I guess, is all about the constant struggle between these two....When the heart wins, we call that being HUMAN, and when the head wins we call it being SMART....I guess, I like being human, someone who hurts a lot but who smiles when things go right :)...


  1. Poonam,
    We share the same sun sign, makes me think we think too much. I am one of those who would take the things on face value, I don't understand if there is a motive behind what people say and do. I indulge my self into solving other people problems when they tell me. I keep myself in their situation and start giving advice as to what I would have done if I was them. Is it good to do that? Because this leads to hurt most of the times. You become transparent to them in your thoughts and thinking and they know a lot about you. Their situation may or maynot get better, but they know a whole lot about you. Is this good? Should we entertain people and listen to their problems?

  2. I think, our well-intentioned advice is reserved for the people we like and care for, Swati...I believe, we Arians were hard-wired to be trusting creatures, we do that easily, for we see no reason to believe otherwise...And if someone asks for advice, we BELIEVE that he is in need of one and are more than willing to help out...And yes, our willingness to help and trusting qualities do leave us vulnerable, but that is how we were programmed to operate!!....I think, where trust comes in abundance, our natural instinct about people is very strong too...We might not say it to the face, but know it in hind-sight what a person really meant, and that, I believe, helps us deal with people....We might get hurt easily, but we do keep on trying, for we never give up hope in the goodness of people :) In the end, it is all comes down to learning from ones experiences :)...
