Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dreaming my life away??.....

I have often heard that we must dream big....I too have dreamed big on occasions, like most, but have either chosen to, or forced myself to come out of the dreamscape, when I realized how fruitless the whole exercise was...I guess, dreamers are people, who believe that their full potential has not yet been exploited by the world, or the ones, who have worked 'hard', but feel that they haven't been appreciated enough...These people are dreaming with open eyes, 'cause they 'want' to believe that there is still hope for them...They 'want' to conquer the world in 'their' own reality, and hope, that when they open their eyes, the dream will take a life of its own and shall continue to live on....

I know, it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, but a man needs to dream none-the-less!!...For dreams are a man's way of defeating the reality, it is something that keeps him sane, when the winds of fortune are not blowing in his favor....The transition from dreaming with eyes open, to a state of dreaming in sleep, is God's way of showing that 'nothing' is impossible in this world...For dreams are the landscape where 'reality' meets 'fantasy', but where fantasies prevail...
My dreams take me to places unknown, to places SO beautiful that they make me smile even while I sleep :)...I find myself surrounded by faces familiar, and some unknown, and often wonder on waking up, how they all landed there to begin with!!...And sometimes the CRAZIEST combinations of people, places  and situations form my dreams, and I wake up smiling foolishly, sometimes oddly puzzled and at times full of wonderment at what all my brain could conjure up.....

Brain, where the dream world exists, I believe is one place, where 'anything' and 'everything' can happen...The only place in the world, where all our dreams come alive, the only place where we can 'make' our own dreams and live them too :)...The last frontier that remains to be understood and if possible conquered ....A question now....Will there be a time, and place, a medium, where what we dream, the instant we dream it, comes true??...Is such a dream scape a possibility or stuff that fiction writers only dream of??...Is there a world out there, that is solely made of the things that 'we' dream of?? After all what is created must exist somewhere, right?.....A world that is totally of our own making, filled only with people, places and things we love...Things inconceivable, yet plausible; beautiful, yet never ever seen before; so fragile and intriguing, that they can exist nowhere else, except in a dreamscape :)....

My dreams have taken me from the top of the world and to the edge of a tranquil sea innumerable times.......Come to think of it I have even dreamed of a tsunami, with me running away from it holding the hand of someone I held dear....I've been inside weird homes, which supposedly form my abode in that landscape...My dreams have made me re-live my school-time-exam-day terror, where I go to sit for the exam totally unprepared!!...I have even dreamt of a room full of lizards, that were clinging to all surfaces and crawling where ever I walked,  and I remember having woken up covered with sweat just thinking about it...I have met and talked to people long dead, and woken up wondering why and what it all could mean?!....I have visited places that I am not even aware exist in the real world!!...Oh, my dreams have taken me places where I COULD NOT possibly ever be!!...

I don't know what my dreams mean, or how they might be interpreted by experts of the field, all I know is that they feel sooo real...Dreams somehow make my life complete...And I know that I have no wish to stop dreaming, be it with eyes wide open or with those shut...And I pity those, who don't dream at all, for they know not what all they are missing out on.....I believe, that it does one good to sometimes 'just dream' and 'not just worry about achieving the dreams'. As long as one has the desire to achieve it, one has everything to gain and nothing to lose....So dream on!! :)....


  1. Poonam congratulations on another Blog babes :)You are an inspiration for others to write and also to share.I Read with lots of interest and found many things so simililar......
    I myself believe my dreams!i always feel they have a meaning or a message for each one of us, We can learn much from our dreams, if we only but listen with a trained ear.There is a certain degree of intuition, coupled with logic and a working knowledge of dreaming involved though.Dreams brings to us pictures from our past and also maybe of future and to some degree we have control over the actions that take place in our dreams....i do...many times i control my acts in a dream the way i want it to be, like if am running and trying to hide if i think of a cave there comes the cave, and many more instances, it amazes me so i feel strongly about dreaming!!!

  2. fantastic, keep the good work going.

  3. The mind can work miracles, if one just believes in it.....And getting things right in your dreams, speaks about your strong will to find solutions, and the wish to be on top of things...

    Don't know, if dreams tell about our past or predict future, for that matter, but for sure, they showcase the struggles we are facing in our real lives, only they take on a different form from the ones we face....

    Would love to have my dreams analysed, and guess, someone, somewhere, would most certainly come up with a very convincing explanation too, but whether it is the correct one, can't say :)....

    For those who believe that dreaming helps... My wish is, dream on :).....

  4. It's always a pleasure to find that someone after having read a post, found it sooo good, that they just couldn't leave without saying something :)...So, THANK YOU!! :)....
