Sunday, April 25, 2010


लोग धुप-छाव के जैसे ज़िन्दगी में आते-जाते हैं,
कुछ दिल को कुरेदते, कुछ मुस्कान दे जाते हैं,
दिलों को रोंदने वालों से डर लगता है,
जो शख्स प्यार की छाप छोड़ जायें मन उसको तलाश्ता है I

क्या ज़िन्दगी इसी खोज में कट जाएगी?
यह तलाश कभी क्या खतम हो पायेगी?
मिलेगा क्या कोई, इस दिल को समझने वाला?
प्यार की बातोँ से दिल को सहलाने वाला I

जो कडकती धुप को छाँव कर दे,
रात को दिन, और दिन को रात कर दे,
ऐसे शख्स को नज़रें खोजती रहती हैं
दिल को सकूं मिले , हर दम इसी कोशिश में लगी रहती हैं
रह-रह कर दिल से आह की आवाज सुनाई देती है
यह आह पहूंचे उस दिल तक अब तो यही कोशिश रहती है ....

ख्वाब और नींद ....

रात के अँधेरे में ख्वाब करवट बदलते हैं,
दिल में छिप्पी सब हसरतों को दस्तक देतें हैं,
कभी गुदगुदाते, कभी दिल को मचलते हैं ,
कभी डराते, तो कभी हँसाते हैं

नींद की इस दुनिया में हर ख्वाब सच हो जाते हैं ....

Friday, April 23, 2010


कहते हैं आंखें दिल का आइना होती हैं,
दिल की गहराई में छुपी हसरतें,
हर शख्स का रूप दिखा सकती हैं,
आंखों को बंद कर ले गर कोई,
क्या ढूंढ पायेगा उन्हें ?
वो जो दिल की गहराईओं में रोती-सिसकती डूबती जा रहीं हैं....


ख्वाब हवा के झोंकों पर बैठ कर आते हैं ,
फिर पानी के बुल्बुल्ले जैसे टूट जाते हैं,
खुशनसीब है वो जो इन्हें हकीकत में बदल देते है,
होंसले और जिद के दम पर
तकदीर अपनी बना लेते हैं I
हमने तो खवाबों को समेटना छोड़ दिया है
टूट न जाये इस डर से आँखों को बंद करना छोड़ दिया है
टूटे ख्वाबों का बोझ अब उठाया नहीं जाता
हर ख्वाब हकीकत नहीं होगा, बार-बार दिल को समझाया नहीं जाता I

Monday, April 19, 2010


आंसुओं से कहो गिरना बंद कर दें ,
कदर ना हो जिस शख्स को, उनसे पर्दा कर लें ,
ऐसे बेमोल मोतियों को, यूँ ही ज़ाया नहीं करते,
इतनी पाक चीज़ को यूँ ही पराया नहीं करते I


दिल को संभाला है हम ने हर दम,
इतना तो एतबार है खुद पे, की अश्क आने न देंगे हम,
बरसना ही गर उन की तकदीर है, तो बरसेंगे उधर ,
मोती के कदरदान रहते हो जिधर I
मोती की कीमत तो वो जान जायेंगे,
बरसने से पहले ही, होंठों पे हंसीं लायेंगे I


याद उनको इस कदर हर लम्हा किया करते थे ,
कब उनकी यादें घर कर गयीं, यह तो मालूम न था ,
पा लेना था नामुमकिन, यह सोच दिल से निकाला कई बार,
मगर तन्हाई ने दगा दिया और दिल में उन्हें छुपा लिया फिर इक बार I

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hope keeps me going :)...

Hope, I heard is the most quintessential of all human emotions....Something which grows stronger when times are hard...Something which keeps us going, when everything else takes a leave....Something that is very much our own...A thing, that we can create and and be gifted and give and take away as easily.....

I have yet to meet a person that has not ever hoped for any thing nice....The rich and the poor both hope for things to be better than they are, whether they put in as much effort to earn the object of their desire is another story altogether.....People wanting a taste of success hope and pray for them to be answered; the sick and dying hope to be cured; parents hope for their kids to live a long, healthy life full of happiness; and lovers, hope for their love to be everlasting and by their side for ever...Some even hope for world peace and for poverty to be eliminated!! Everyone on this earth has something to hope for!!....

I have always noticed how 'hope' and 'pray' are almost always said in the same breath...It is like we need to hope and pray for things to work out.....'Hope' it seems is an extension of prayer, hang on to one and grab the next rung to reach closer to the source of desire, but be careful of hoping too much, too soon and too desperately, for they will lead you farther away from your goals...'too much' of either of these will lead closer to 'desperation' and and its next rung 'fear of failure'...Hope, I have learned goes better with not just prayer but also effort....Everything done in moderation somehow seems to have a greater impact then hoping for things to somehow magically go right.....

What I hope for is simple and yet so much complicated....It encompasses everything the heart could ever desire.....I hope for a love faithful; a happiness that lasts; good health without too much effort; loyalty of the ones I love, to a degree that I myself gift; trust, that is never betrayed; joys unparalleled; a laughter, that never ends; peace of heart and mind and to be ALWAYS surrounded by the ones that I love ......Nothing material here, but everything that is so essential to our very being..... All I'm really hoping for is everything that is good, for a life that is so precious......Is that too much to ask??.....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Is this love?....

Someone once asked me, if I loved my husband? Seemed like an odd thing to ask and frankly not anyone's business to know, and I was truly taken aback for a few milli-seconds, but then I smiled, nodded and said with great conviction, "Ofcourse, I do"!!...At that time, I had no clue at all what love meant...And I'm not sure if I still do!!...Oh!! I do read a lot of books, which talk of love and those going through it all, but I have to say, I don't get 'the you-take-my-breath-away' feeling, every time he walks into the room...and I don't smile shyly and lose my mind, every time he looks at me...I would be lying, if I said, he sweeps me off the floor, every time he smiles at me or talks about me!...I just know, that I like his company and I LOVE hearing him talk :)....I know, that there is a look in his eyes, that speaks to me like no one else can.....A smile, that is meant solely for me, a smile that says, I'm always there for you....And there is that special look which says all that I ever need to know :)....I like saying the words 'I Love You'...and no matter how many times I have said those, I still enjoy saying them again and again, and hope as much, that they'd be said to me too!!....I so wish, men were as good at reciprocating this feeling as us women!!.....

I see some women declaring their love for the men in their life, and their better halves or boyfriends saying the same in return, and often wonder if they 'truly' mean it or is it just a word game for them??...Do they really mean the things they say or is it a show put up for others to see??....There are so many couples who never declare their love for each other, not in the privacy of their room and esp. not out in the public, does that mean that they don't love and care for each other?....Is a public show of affection, for the ones truly in love or ones who want to make a show of affection, to prove a point to others watching on the sidelines? I guess I'll never know!!...All I know is that couples need to show the ones they love, that they DO love, and they DO care...If it a hard thing to say, then find ways to show it, ways SHE'D understand; do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to make her feel special!!...You owe that to her and to each other!!

All I do know is that I like the company of the one chosen for me...He has the ability to make me laugh and he can make me smile, no matter what :)....He knows me inside-out, and makes it a point to make life as comfortable for me as is possible...And I know, that his presence is a welcome sight for me...I get jealous at the mere mention of another women...I know what pleases him, and I can make him laugh at times...Ofcourse, we have our fights like any other couples, as also our share of disagreements, but isn't that something which happens amongst the best of friends?.....I truly am filled with dread at the very thought of losing him, and pray really hard that, that day never ever comes. And then I pray, that I never have to live a day without him; for I would love to die than have to live through another day without him....I don't know if this speaks of my insecurity, my lack of self-confidence or if it is mere selfishness on my part, but I know, that this is how I do feel....And this is what I wish for him - a long, healthy life, full of happiness, love, laughter and a heart full of love for me, and me alone...I wish for HIS happiness and want mine with him. I want to see and enjoy the world with HIM...I know not if all this is love, but I hope it is, for I would hate to have lied to that someone when she asked me "if I loved him ".....